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little visitor

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 3 January 2008 in Animal & Insect.

Instead of hibernating this little critter (and at least two others) keeps visiting our balcony in search for food. It is soooo cute - unless it starts digging. :-)

Witchpanther from Torino, Italy

ahahahaha fantastic!

3 Jan 2008 2:14pm

@Witchpanther: Be glad that it's not your plant pot! :-)

Chipso from Nove Mesto nad Vahom, Slovakia

She is so interested in digging, don't realize the photographer.

3 Jan 2008 3:42pm

@Chipso: It's not even annoyed by my tapping on the window - squirrels are obsessed from digging! :-)

Michael from Wuppertal, Germany

Sehr schöner Schnappschuss! Bei uns im Garten tauchen die nie auf :-(
Nur immer diese Maulwürfe. Aber die bekomme ich nie zusehen- nur die hübschen Hügel...

3 Jan 2008 8:25pm

@Michael: Einfach nur ein paar Haselnüsse auslegen - die Hörnchen kommen bestimmt!

Dang from Marietta, United States

They are cute little buggers! Amazing you didn't scare it, good going.

4 Jan 2008 1:25am

@Dang: It's always finding some hazelnuts at our balcony and voracity is bigger than fear :-)

Teresa from Mountain View, United States

Nice capture! Amazing it didn't scurry away!

4 Jan 2008 3:49am

@Teresa: It's almost tame. There are at least three squirrels in the neighbourhood, each one drops by from time to time.

Darren lim from maly, Malaysia

give out some hazelnuts for new year

4 Jan 2008 6:21am

@Darren lim: They always find something on our balcony. Sometimes they bury it deeply in our pots ;-)

JV from India, India

This one is also as curious as its friend..

10 Jan 2008 6:39pm

@JV: And they're sooo cute :-)