Welcome back, little ladybug! Hope you're hungry and you will eat a lot of aphids! A first aphid colony is already destroying my pansies, so drink your lavender-saturated water and hurry up! :-)
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Michael Skorulski: This ladybug was not the only one: at least three of them were having a drink!
@Japanalia: Sometimes I think, even insects try to get drunk. I once observed a bumblebee in our lavender that appeared to be almost dead: it was moving very slowly and didn't respond to slight touches, so I left it untouched and thought by myself that this would be an acceptable death for a bumblebee - inmidst the flowers. Hours later, it had changed its position and was sucking at another lavender flower. So it was the next and the following day. Only at the third day it disappeared, so I guess it had a three day pub crawl! Heavens! :-D
@Steven: And certainly he's a little bit dizzy! Hours after taking this photo he was still there!
@dpm: Have a look at my answer to Japanalia's comment: I think even insects like to get drunk!
@Ina: Thanks, Ina! Best photo I could get of a rainy sunday :-)
@Tracey: Thanks, Tracey! Yes, sometimes they get quite invasive, especially in the warmer months. Either way, I want them to eat these aphid colonies...
I'm still looking for a nice window photo for you, but I'm afraid to say that I'm sort of a window dodger! I'll keep searching!
@Michael: Danke :) Man kann Insekten mit diversen Mittelchen 'vergällen'. In der Praxis sieht das dann so aus, daß man anfängt, nach Knoblauch oder Gülle stinkendes Zeug zu verspritzen, was freilich auch nur ein paar Tage lang wirkt - falls überhaupt. Natürliche Feine kenne ich auch keine, Käfer sind nicht unbedingt lecker für andere. Vielleicht liegt's ja an den Ursachen: gibt's viele Ameisen im Garten? Die züchten ja bekanntlich Blattläuse, auf die die Käferchen stehen...
@drphoto: Especially our lavenders are attracting them magically! Perhaps I should try to distill some of the flowers and have a drink, too :-)
@MaryB: Similar happened to a bumblebee trying to continue her flight out of our lavender. After several false starts and crashes she finally stumbled away (if a 'stumble flight' is the correct expression). Perhaps the essential oils of the plant have a special effect on them :-)
@Craig: Thanks, Craig! Was Bernkastel the town you visitied years ago?
@akarui: I'll do :-)
I had various shots of this bug. I've chosen this one to have the most part of the flower within. The rest is pure laziness...
@Jen: Thanks, Jen! :)
@Brites: The best subject that day could give me - it was rainy and rather cold!
@Twelvebit: Same situation here. When they come, they come in hords. :)
@Craig: Don't worry, I hope your travel was joyful! :-)
@Porcsin: Porcsin! Welcome back to you too!