Spring sun shines through a Whashingtonia robusta leaf.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@MaryB: Yes, this one did survive winter very well. New leaves are already growing :)
@Michael Skorulski: Thank you, Michael. That's a specimen from my palm collection that now enjoys the sun again :)
@Evi: Thanks, Evi! It's still a baby palm, but already a beauty.
@JoeB: You're right! There's a reason that I'm growing so many of them :)
@Jen: There's nothing that beats the exotic touch of a palm! Fortunately, I'm living in a quite warm corner of Germany where it's possible for them to survive winter.
@Observing: You bet! I saved this one from my local supermarket at a ridiculously small price. Since then it's growing very gratefully!
@Michael: Schon mal an 'ne Palme im Garten gedacht...? Die hier wächst auch in Wuppertal, oder die hier, oder diese hier... ;-)
@gandz: This one is growing pretty fast and a beautiful specimen from my home jungle :)
@Brites: Just trying to catch up with your plant pictures :-)
@drphoto: Thank you :)
@Japanalia: It's hard for me to call the most beautiful of palms, but Washingtonias would be on the first ranks.
@juant3: Thanks Juan, this is one of the older fronds, new ones are slightly brighter.