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Plant Week, Day I

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 29 April 2008 in Abstract & Conceptual and Portfolio.

Spring sun shines through a Whashingtonia robusta leaf.

MaryB from Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Wow! a beautiful curtain of lush green leaves, wonderful light and lines MS.

29 Apr 2008 9:29am

@MaryB: Yes, this one did survive winter very well. New leaves are already growing :)

Michael Skorulski from Cigel, Slovakia

Wonderful texture and great idea!

29 Apr 2008 12:03pm

@Michael Skorulski: Thank you, Michael. That's a specimen from my palm collection that now enjoys the sun again :)

Evi from Athens, Greece

Beautiful lines!

29 Apr 2008 12:12pm

@Evi: Thanks, Evi! It's still a baby palm, but already a beauty.

JoeB from Brampton, Canada

Palms look so strong in presence, the lines are so straight naturally.

29 Apr 2008 2:54pm

@JoeB: You're right! There's a reason that I'm growing so many of them :)

Jen from Alpharetta, United States

Great light and lines

29 Apr 2008 2:56pm

@Jen: There's nothing that beats the exotic touch of a palm! Fortunately, I'm living in a quite warm corner of Germany where it's possible for them to survive winter.

Observing from Chester, United Kingdom

And very nice it is too....! Very tropical feel to it.

29 Apr 2008 5:08pm

@Observing: You bet! I saved this one from my local supermarket at a ridiculously small price. Since then it's growing very gratefully!

Michael from Wuppertal, Germany

Grossartig, dieses Grün...! Und die Schärfe stimmt obendrein. Klasse!

29 Apr 2008 7:24pm

@Michael: Schon mal an 'ne Palme im Garten gedacht...? Die hier wächst auch in Wuppertal, oder die hier, oder diese hier... ;-)

gandz from Kharkiv, Ukraine

I really like this one:)
the stripes make it very special as to me.

29 Apr 2008 9:29pm

@gandz: This one is growing pretty fast and a beautiful specimen from my home jungle :)

Brites from Lisboa, Portugal

Good graphics.

30 Apr 2008 11:56pm

@Brites: Just trying to catch up with your plant pictures :-)

drphoto from Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Nice abstract shot!


4 May 2008 7:57pm

@drphoto: Thank you :)

Japanalia from Yokohama, Japan

I'm looking at it and thinking....if it were a piece of cloth it would be great for a curtain, giving relaxation to the eyes and brain!

8 May 2008 3:51pm

@Japanalia: It's hard for me to call the most beautiful of palms, but Washingtonias would be on the first ranks.

juant3 from Bremen, Germany

Most agree, beautiful lines and light... Like how you also captured the dark sides too...

20 May 2008 9:00am

@juant3: Thanks Juan, this is one of the older fronds, new ones are slightly brighter.