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Plant Week, Day III

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 1 May 2008 in Plant & Nature.

Selaginella martensii, a fern ally for 'lovers of the unusual and unloved'.

Twelvebit from Victoria, United States

I like the shadowing here.

1 May 2008 2:57pm

@Twelvebit: It's growing in the shadow, so that fits perfectly :-)

JoeB from Brampton, Canada

I lack knowledge of plants, but yours always look well and colourful with great detail of patterns.

1 May 2008 5:41pm

@JoeB: Every plant has it's 'best side', so have mine :-) Most of the plant pictures I post here are photos from my own plants. I'm trying to do my best to keep them happy, so they are usually in a good shape and grateful subjects for my photography :)

Observing from Chester, United Kingdom

Very unusual leaf, almost looks like it's been braided together. Good detail :)

1 May 2008 5:44pm

@Observing: Spike mosses are a very old plant group, there were times on earth when they virtually ruled the (plant) world. This fascinates me the more I'm learning about this.

MaryB from Staffordshire, United Kingdom

I agree with Mike, they do look braided together. A really unusual and beautiful leaf.

1 May 2008 9:43pm

@MaryB: Unlike to very old times, the remaining groups of spike mosses are quite small: this specimen measures ca. 10 centimeters high.

Tracey from White Hall, United States

I like, I like :0) The texture is fabulous on this very strange leaf!

1 May 2008 10:48pm

@Tracey: Thank you, Tracey! I'm sure there are some spike mosses growing in your forests too!

Jen from Alpharetta, United States

Lovely details and subtle light

2 May 2008 1:59am

@Jen: Thanks, Jen! Sometimes the smallest thinks bear the most beauty :)

shahab from Qazvin, Iran

Such a strange plant!Lovely!

3 May 2008 3:03pm

@shahab: Yes, it's small but beautiful :) Thanks!

Japanalia from Yokohama, Japan

I don't think I've seen a fern like this! Most interesting the arrangement of the leaves and, moreover, the crocheted pattern on the branches! Quite unique!

8 May 2008 3:48pm

@Japanalia: Actually it's a fern ally: closely related to ferns but even more ancient. Their ancestors had the size of trees!