This pigeon had a little shower at the small fountain that is attached to Father Rhine's monument.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Evelyne Dubos: Thank you! The same proverb also exists in German ("sich fühlen wie ein Fisch im Wasser"); that pigeon was indeed soaking wet :-)
@Anthony Lambert: The pigeon was nice enough to wait a bit, so I could make my photo. Then it flew away :)
@Observing: Thanks, Mike! Birdie had much fun, it was a joy to watch :)
@Japanalia: That's a small fountain at the Rhenus statue, situated at the Ständehaus I posted two days earlier. Quite the right place for such a bucolic scene :-)
@Tracey: Next time I'll take a white pigeon :-D
Really, this one had fun and didn't fly away until quenching her thirst and having a shower. Very enjoyable :)
@JoeB: I would be proud too - with these red eyes and feet! :-)
@Ina: Thank you! On that hot day I could have had a shower too!
@Michael: Dankeschön! :)
@akarui: I would have enjoyed a shower too, because it was a hot day :)
@Doug: I think this is a regular visitor of that fountain :)
@Twelvebit: You would do so too if I would be standing in front of you, fiddling with my camera :-D
@Kulikowski: ...without any trouble: point and shoot. A lucky moment! :)