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Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 23 June 2008 in Miscellaneous.

They prophesied thunderstorms, heavy rainfall, hail storms and a strong temperature drop. Listening to news like that always causes me headache - there are lots of seldom plants on the balcony I have to protect from too bad weather. I don't feel like having my private jungle smashed to green pudding in a hailstorm. I've seen hailstones 5cm (2") big on photos in weather forums, I've read about pigeons with broken wings and hurt people - nothing I'm keen on having at home.

But I'm living in a blessed corner of my city. A few lightnings, some grumbling in the sky, ten minutes heavy rain and that's it! Only the clouds were impressive and I'm glad that this beast was far, far away!

Michael Skorulski from Cigel, Slovakia

Stunning billows of cloud very well photographed.

23 Jun 2008 5:13am

@Michael Skorulski: Thanks, Michael, fortunately the weather desaster has been postponed :)

Evelyne Dubos from Le Mans, France

Really impressive & photogenic clouds !!

23 Jun 2008 9:09am

@Evelyne Dubos: I was glad they were not right above me :-)

Observing from Local, Gibraltar

I can see the activity in those clouds, very good shot. In NW UK we've had 70mph gales, and this morning there are leaves twigs and branches everywhere, it looks like Autumn.

23 Jun 2008 11:20am

@Observing: Weather gets crazier all the time. Last heavy thunderstorms in Germany produced 5cm hailcorns and smashed whole vineyards.

Ronnie 2¢ from London, United Kingdom

Love the pure power in this . . drop-by-drop. Fantastic image of Nature at work.

23 Jun 2008 12:46pm

@Ronnie 2¢: Fortunately far away from me! :-) I prefer to view some of these spectacles from the distance.

JoeB from Brampton, Canada

We've had similiar with hail and damaged trees.

23 Jun 2008 1:25pm

@JoeB: Last heavy thunderstorms in Germany smashed whole vineyards - weather gets more and more frightening.

Jennifer Radio from Ireland

thunderstorms always scare me. you've captured a fantastic one, however.

23 Jun 2008 7:43pm

@Jennifer Radio: Reviewing the weather situation in the Midwest of the U.S. I can understand that. Very sorry about that flood.

Ted from South Wales, United Kingdom

Good capture.

23 Jun 2008 8:04pm

@Ted: Thanks, Ted!

Ina from Krugersdorp, South Africa

Wow, this is fantastic! Great shot indeed :)

23 Jun 2008 8:14pm

@Ina: Thank you very much!

gandz from Kharkiv, Ukraine

thrilling shot:) well done!

23 Jun 2008 8:45pm

@gandz: Thanks very much! :-)

MaryB from Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Wow! you've really captured the power of these storm clouds, a fantastic shot MS.

23 Jun 2008 8:51pm

@MaryB: Thank you, Mary! Fortunately I had my camera at hand :-)

dj.tigersprout from San Bruno, United States

simply faaabulous clouds here -- faaabulous!

23 Jun 2008 9:13pm

@dj.tigersprout: Thanks very much!

Twelvebit from Victoria, United States

Nice texture and rendition of whites.

23 Jun 2008 10:07pm

@Twelvebit: That was a shot in the late evening light with many red tones. I did a colour correction here to make it look more aggressive than in the mellow red version.

akarui from Kagoshima, Japan

Nice contrast. I like the textures of the white cloud.

24 Jun 2008 12:18am

@akarui: A real beast that stretched for several kilometers. Beautiful but not funny for those who had to bear the storm.

Laurent from Lyon, France

maybe very dangerous but so nice on picture.
also very good use of the B&W propably much better than a colored version

24 Jun 2008 11:20am

@Laurent: The original was very reddish! However, I mostly like the combination of white, black and blue and found this good enough :) I've made some more cloud shots the day before yesterday, maybe some of them will look good in B&W. Fortunately, these clouds weren't that dangerous like their predecessors a few weeks ago where hailstorms ruined whole landscapes in the southwest of Germany.

drphoto from Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Awesome Cloudscape! =D)


26 Jun 2008 12:25am

@drphoto: Fortunately it looked more frightening than it really was. :)

Japanalia from Yokohama, Japan

This captured "beast" of a cloud looks very impressive, even a messanger from the gods!

27 Jun 2008 6:54am

@Japanalia: I'm not afraid of thunderstorms (usually they don't get too heavy here, though there are exceptions), but I was quite happy when these clouds went away :)