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Um, well, ...

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 27 August 2008 in Miscellaneous.

Q: Many thanks, MadScientist, for attending our non-price competition "One egg and one spoon" by Isao, an Aminus3 photo blogger! May I look at your contribution?
MS (unveils his photo): Voilà.
Q: Um, well, ... Ha, ha! ... Er, what have we here... it's a - it's a - er...
MS: This is Egg and his friend Spoon, conquering the sea. I planned to have a shooting with them at the original location but time and budget were low. So I had to improvise.
Q (regaining his composure): I see, I see. Yes. They seem to have a good time.
MS: Absolutely. They were a great team and we all had a lot of fun.
Q: Did you experience any difficulties?
MS: Well, yes, the construction of the ship was more complicated than assumed. I tried various designs, then we were running out of paper, and I had to use what we had developed by then.
Q: Anything more?
MS: Yes, the light was difficult. I planned to do an outdoor shot, but it was raining. That would have ruined the ship, so I had to improvise.
Q: I see.
MS: And Spoon got a bit seasick. But he's fine again.

According to an idea by Isao!

dj.tigersprout from San Bruno, CA, United States

hehe -- yes! an awesome presentation and accompanying 'interview'! ;) just brilliant -- i kept thinking to myself, what am i going to do?? i took it very seriously -- but this is a faabulous idea -- playful and fun! bravo!

27 Aug 2008 5:40am

@dj.tigersprout: This is an example of famous German humour. :-D

Paco Díaz from Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Great idea and good sense of humour. The painted egg and the spoon as a padle is great, as is the paper boat to compose. Very good.

27 Aug 2008 5:50am

@Paco Díaz: Well, to tell the truth... It looks like an imporovisation, but actually it took hours persuading them to enter that boat. Really... ;-)

Ana Lúcia from Leiria, Portugal

Another clever image. Well done!

27 Aug 2008 7:00am

@Ana Lúcia: Mission accomplished: both of my models now have their model contracts and you'll see them in any magazine near you soon! ;-)

Linerberry from Sumner, Christchurch, New Zealand

lol hahahahah!!!! great one MS, obviously part of the egg and spoon challenge....thats the one for win hands down:-)) If there has to be a winner that is, otherwise you are all winners!! great show Bravo

27 Aug 2008 8:30am

@Linerberry: Haven't seen every other image of that contest up to now, but I bet that my models had most of the fun during their shot! :-) Thanks a lot, Linerberry!

Namaki from Bordeaux, France

that's a cute little boat ... I like the captain !

27 Aug 2008 9:56am

@Namaki: He was very cheerful, thanks! :-D

Kylie Greenan from Richmond, Australia

A wonderful fun image in the "one egg, one spoon" theme today, well done, it made me smile!

27 Aug 2008 12:16pm

@Kylie Greenan: I'll see if I can hire them for another shooting! :-)

Isao from isère, France

MDR !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ecoute c'est le plus drôle que j'ai vu : (et pathétique aussi, un bâteau qui prendrais l'eau sous la pluie, la honte ! ;-))
J'espère que Spoon va mieux ?! Egg à l'air de vraiment s'être bien marré !!!

MDR !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Listening is the most fun I've seen (and also pathetic, a boat which take water in the rain, shame! ;-))
I hope that Spoon is better ? Egg the air to really have much fun !

27 Aug 2008 12:18pm

@Isao: They did! ;-) Many thanks, Isao!!!

dan from France

Needed to think of it ! Excellent stage setting.

27 Aug 2008 12:59pm

@dan: Thanks, Dan! That wouldn't have been possible with the help of these two great performers! ;-)

April from Iloilo City, Philippines


27 Aug 2008 1:15pm

@April: Thanks, April!

Observing from West Cheshire, United Kingdom

Ummmm....... you know what they say about people getting older.... :) lol

27 Aug 2008 2:11pm

@Observing: Hmmm... What...? ;-)

Morgane from Laroque Timbaut, 47, France

Excel! the concept brilliant and is stuffed with humour

27 Aug 2008 3:06pm

@Morgane: I told this to my models and they were very happy. ;-)

MaryB from Staffordshire, United Kingdom

MS this is brilliant, what a fantastic idea, so creative too!

27 Aug 2008 3:14pm

@MaryB: Oh, it was Egg's idea.


Evelyne Dubos from Le Mans, France

A funny & naive interpretation of the today theme, well done, makes me smile...

27 Aug 2008 3:37pm

@Evelyne Dubos: I was heavily inspired by my Tegernsee images. :-)

Laurent from Lyon, France

Isao is right, it is the funniest one. I love your Mister Egg.
Without reading your comment, I would have thought that the spoon was the oar. Sorry M. Spoon for the mistake ;o)

27 Aug 2008 4:33pm

@Laurent: Mr. Spoon an oar?! Impossible!


Jen from Alpharetta, United States

Great commentary and funny shot!!!

27 Aug 2008 4:47pm

@Jen: Thanks, Jen. Now I'm planning more elaborate stage settings. :-)

Veronelle from Lens, France

;-)) :-)), :-)) homoristik

27 Aug 2008 9:12pm

@Veronelle: Glad you like it! :-)

Stéphane from Bruxelles, Belgium

LOL :)
la plus délirante de la série, bravo.

27 Aug 2008 9:16pm

@Stéphane: Très gentil, merci beaucoup, Stéphane!

dominik from Paris, France

Beaucoup d'humour dans cet océan bleu.... Bravo !...

27 Aug 2008 10:40pm

@dominik: Merci, Dominik, t'es chic!

Tracey from White Hall, United States

Hehehehe~Hahhahahahah~Hohohohoho You crack me up. Oh, no pun intended towards the egg... ;0)

28 Aug 2008 12:12am

@Tracey: Mr. Egg has left the stage and returned to the fridge! :D

jamesy from christchurch, New Zealand

very creative I have really enjoyed looking at the egg and spooners today

28 Aug 2008 12:38am

@jamesy: Glad you like it, jamesy! Thanks a lot!

JoeB from Brampton, Canada

Lovely blue calm rippled waters.

28 Aug 2008 12:41am

@JoeB: Fortunately we don't have brown towels.

Yeuse from Strasbourg/Paris, France

Lol ! Your interpretation of the subject is really funny !

I didn't take part this time, but I will take a photo for the next theme on September 10th !

28 Aug 2008 7:29pm

@Yeuse: That's something with a blue foot, right? I'm looking forward to your one! ;-)

Twelvebit from Victoria, United States

On the plus side, now that you've taken the photo, the ship can double as a hat.

31 Aug 2008 8:17pm

@Twelvebit: In the end I dumped this ship in Lake Towel.