500.000.000.000 Euros, that means: 679 billion US$, German government is willing to spend for saving the banking sector.
I guess with this amount of money we could pay off the debts of all developing countries. We could rebuild our health system. We could invest in research, perhaps for healing serious diseases. We could save a small part of the world. Nope. It's for the market and the market will absorb it completely. Until the next crisis.
They are sowing the wind.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Linerberry: Far too much! But the stock markets pop the bottles, so everything's fine! No?
@Michael Skorulski: Thanks very much!
@Observing: 35 years! Congratulations, Mike! Hope you had a wonderful day!
@JoeB: I know, I'm incorrigibly romantic.
@dj.tigersprout: It is, mate, it is! There's nothing to blanch it over!
@akarui: This is a bill for many generations.
@Twelvebit: Hehe.