PD asked for a shot of a German railway station: voilà! Cologne Central is one of Germany's biggest stations. This is just a quick snapshot: the German Wikipedia article shows some more photos, including some historical images.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Marie: Thanks, Marie!
@Linerberry: The architecture is quite okay, they built an addition twenty years ago that even quotes the gothic style of the cathedral that is just off the station.
@Laurent: Shot in the early evening, the train was just approaching. Thanks, Laurent!
@akarui: Thanks a lot!
@Laurie: Thanks, Laurie!
@PD: I'm glad I don't have to clean all these glass windows. :-)
@Ana Lúcia: *blush* :-)
@Twelvebit: I think the most exotic trains here go to Brussels, Paris, Kiev, and Moscow. Ah, and Vienna. And Rome. Aaaand... ;-)
@Observing: Right, it's passing Cologne. But long-distance journeys by train have their very special 'charm': on our train voyage from Rome back home (in January!) the heating system was damaged. We crossed the Alpes at -10°C (14°F) and had ice flowers at our windows in the next morning. We also learned that it's possible to huggle together even in these extremely narrow sleeping car beds. A very 'fresh' trip, to say the least! :-D
Btw, you might have heard that Deutsche Bahn has some difficulties with its ICE trains. A complete mess.
@Michael Skorulski: Much better than stations from the 20th centuries with their flat concrete ceilings!
@shadebox: Thanks, shadebox! I took this shot when the train just came in.
@Ron: Slightly northwards from the centre! As you can see here, the railway station ('Köln Hbf') is north from the Cathedral, followed by the Altstadt (downtown). Big shopping streets are Hohe Strasse and Schildergasse. A quite big heart. :-)
@Yeuse: Thank you so much, will see that I take some more station photos.