... would be possible. But meaningless."
Freely adapted from Vicco von Bülow, aka Loriot, German humorist.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Michael Skorulski: That was a really funny scene: when we entered the place many ducks came to us, obviously waiting for some food. When they saw that we had nothing to offer, their interest in us quickly weakened. The duck on the picture spotted a raven that was flying above us.
@Eleftheria!: There were plenty of them, but this one was the cutest. :)
@Veronelle: One of many that suddenly surrounded us! :-)
@Laurie: Maybe! :-) She raised her head when a raven flying above us was croaking. I really would like to know what she was thinking in that moment!
@bluechameleon: Thanks! But the legs in the background belong to a black swan, there were quite a lot of ducks, swans, and geese that tried to get some food from us. :)
@MaryB: Ducks in Düsseldorf never lost their humor. :-)
@Twelvebit: Yes, they are clever little beasts, y'know...
@Tracey: Ducks know that I'm their friend. :-)
@Linerberry: These ducks know how to seduce me... :-)