On our journey through the wonderworld of German Christmas fairs we have to face a harsh truth. It's rule #2:
Don't take anything seriously.
It's called a Christmas fair, but don't expect Protestant profoundness here: the Weihnachtsmarkt is something that people from Bavaria would call a Gaudi, an opportunity for having fun. So it was no wonder that the refrain of a song we took notice on one of the fairs was "Hosianna everywhere!" (perhaps it sounds more funnily when sung in the typical Rhenish idiom that for most people sounds like a strange singsong). While strolling about a Weihnachtsmarkt at Cologne's Rudolfplatz we found this eclectic composition of figurines, depicting the eternal struggle between Eros and Thanatos. (Of course you can also buy nice pottery, Christmas tree balls, and crib figurines. More about this tomorrow.)
The whole series: [Introduction] [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Epilogue]
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@mat: This booth was somewhat unexpected. :-) Thanks, mat!
@Linerberry: Well, anyone can buy crib figurines... ;-)
@Observing: There were many more, but this was the most interesting corner of the selling place.
@Tracey: Great, he could join me and buy some silly things. Har har. ;-)
@akarui: I would buy two different figures, this would soften the irritation a bit. :-)
@Veronelle: Amazing, huh? ;-) You'll like tomorrow's picture.
@Eleftheria!: Hehe, a very special spirit! :-D
@PD: You shouldn't visit Germany from November to March.
1. It's dark, wet, and cold.
2. During Advent time cities are crowded, crowded, and even more crowded.
3. At Christmas the country is virtually asleep.
4. Unless you don't hate carnival, you might dare a visit in late winter, but you have been warned!
@dj.tigersprout: It's that warm that some of the figurines were forced to take their clothes off! Climate change! ;)
@Laurie: Tomorrow something more adequate! :-)
@JoeB: They came a bit surprising to us too. But that was the only booth with that somewhat different assortment. :)
@Ronnie 2¢: Now I wonder which one this might have been... :-)
@Laurent: Ha, you bet! (But we didn't have to search for a long time.)
@Twelvebit: I think you are not alone! :-)
@Japanalia: A few days later some of these figures were sold - the seller couldn't be completely wrong! :-D