Suddenly he was inmidst our flowers. No you know where he spends his vacation!
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Linerberry: My pleasure! :o)
@observing: He looked happy to me! :-)
@"Marie" :-): No deflation, this Santa is made of chocolate! :-)
@MrsAmber: He looked quite happy, but you never know with old men... ;-) Many thanks, MrsAmber!
@Photosanity: It was raining there, so he preferred the mossy ground of our Hyacinth pot! :-)
@Steven: The only reason I left him untouched is he's made of white chocolate. If he would be a dark chocolate Santa... >:-)
@Ron: You live and learn! ;-)
@akarui: Ha! Me too!
@Evelyne Dubos: Meet some Easter bunnies at Christmas!