Is anyone on for a game of chess? With this one I'm always winning!
(Seen in a shopping window, Cologne)
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Linerberry: Woof! (Meaning: Check!)
@MrsAmber: Usually I don't like through-the-glass shots, but this one is quite okay. :-)
@"Marie" :-): Cheers, Marie!
@Lee: Thanks very much, Lee!
@Gonzata: Cheers, Gonzata!
@JoeB: That best describes the dilemma of human history. :-)
@Magda: Cheers, Magda!
@Niña: Thanks a lot, Niña!
@Ana Lúcia: Who needs the classical figures! :-)
@observing: Certainly a precious, hand-crafted set! :D
@Ronnie 2¢: Next week: Cactaceae vs. Euphorbiaceae.
@Tracey: Hey, I'll be your guest!
@dj.tigersprout: Not sure if it would work with checkers too! :D
@Steven: Who knows! My favourite figure is the dog bishop, by the way. :-)
@akarui: e2 - e4 :-)
@LauraS: I would always have to look at the base of the figurines (their denotation is printed there), especially the knights and bishops are a bit difficult to recognize. :)
@Eleftheria: Thanks very much!