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Silly Tuesday: Cleanliness is next to godliness

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 2 June 2009 in Transportation.

A Rhine boatman cleaning his ship - on the river, at full speed. (Stupidly there was this railing obscuring the view.)

MaryB from Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Lol it looks pretty clean already but I suppose it gets dusty carrying all that coal ? He looks like he's doing a great job and can come around to my house and clean any day :)
A great Silly Tuesday image MS.

2 Jun 2009 8:43am

@MaryB: That's a cool thought. Next time I'll ask him. :-)

Linerberry from Sumner, Christchurch, New Zealand

hehehehe how rediculous and hilarious!!!!! great silliness!!!

2 Jun 2009 10:00am

@Linerberry: Stay clean! ;-)

dj.tigersprout from New York City, United States

LOL. :) love the bar through the middle!!

2 Jun 2009 11:34am

@dj.tigersprout: Me not! But that ship was too fast, I would have missed it if I had stood up!

MrsAmber from London, United Kingdom

Thats a mighty big boat to keep clean..not sure I'd bother!

2 Jun 2009 2:40pm

@MrsAmber: Who knows - maybe he has attended many courses for keeping his boat so clean! ;-)

Jen from Alpharetta, United States

Apparently he has great balance!

2 Jun 2009 3:41pm

@Jen: You bet! This ship was moving fast, and the river has a strong and nasty current. Would have been dangerous for him to fall overboard!

Laurent from Lyon, France

that IS silly!!! How can the boat be clean with what in on it!!!! ;o)

But yes also I must congratulate him as Jen said : what a balance!

3 Jun 2009 7:01pm

@Laurent: Maybe these boatmen do contents that we don't know about...

Twelvebit from Victoria, United States

Is he cleaner in or out of the river?

8 Jun 2009 5:09pm

@Twelvebit: A bath in the river would make the boatman and his ship definitevely cleaner, the quality of the water is much better than it was 20 years ago. :-)