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Silly Tuesday: It Sucks!

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 23 June 2009 in Miscellaneous.

Man, this machine is the thing! It dries walls in an instant!
No extra power necessary, just plug it in!
I see.
(Machine starts)
Now listen to this: the sound of freedom!
Okay, okay, I'll take it.
(Machine goes off)
GREAT!!! - Sorry: great! Where do you plan to use it?
In my living-room.

No kidding, we had this and another one for several weeks in our living-room after a little 'incident' with a water pipe. Two weeks after we moved into our new flat. Oh my.

JoeB from Brampton, Canada

Not good, didn't that machine have a small role in the original Aliens?

23 Jun 2009 2:57pm

@JoeB: Now that you mention it... It was quite harmless and after several days our wall and floor were dry again...

Mike from North West, United Kingdom

I saw one of these in the Red Light district in Amsterdam..... :-0

23 Jun 2009 7:30pm

@Mike: And I was believing you were only interested in culture travels! ;-)

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

We have a lot of people trying to dry out their basement here with the major rainfall we got last Friday night. Luckily my basement was spared.

23 Jun 2009 8:14pm

@Steven: In our story it was a sloppily fitted tube. Soon water poured into the wall, the floor - everything was soaked with water!

dkc from Xanthi, Greece

hehe...funny story! Hope your flat is all dry again!

23 Jun 2009 8:49pm

@dkc: Thanks for your concern, fortunately this happened two years ago! :-)

Jen from Alpharetta, United States

Never seen such machinary! Very interesting

23 Jun 2009 10:46pm

@Jen: Be glad! You don't want to have such a device at home.

PD from Overland Park, Kansas, United States

Sorry for your troubles, but that machine is funny looking !!

24 Jun 2009 3:06am

@PD: With a distance of two years I'm able to fully agree to this! :-)

Twelvebit from Victoria, United States

Looks like you have sort of a Two Cent conversation going here.

24 Jun 2009 11:01pm

@Twelvebit: Pure mischievousness! :-)

dj.tigersprout from New York City, United States

oh my indeed!! hope it is all fixed and better now!!

26 Jun 2009 5:12am

@dj.tigersprout: This one is fixed, but we've found many other defects in the meantime. :-#

Laurie from New Jersey, United States

Oh NOOOOOO! I hope you got it all cleared up and dried out. Ugh! Not fun!

26 Jun 2009 12:33pm

@Laurie: Don't worry, we're dry again! :-) This happened two years ago, when a small puddle emerged out of the floor and my only thought was: "Oh sh...!!!" :-D