Sightseeing at the bottom. Seen at Domplatte, Cologne.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Linerberry: Yes, see Peter's reply. :-)
@Peter: So it is, Peter! Thanks a lot for summarizing this! Many of the Gothic revival churches I've shown here wouldn't have been possible without the impact of Cologne Cathedral that inspired and still inspires architects, creative and ordinary people like me.
@k@: My pleasure! :-)
@MrsAmber: Maybe useful for a doormat design...?
@MARIANA: Polished! ;)
@Steven: Trash can't beat true importance. ;)
@Cricket-TammyWarren: At that place you definitely would be able to confirm this statement with a strong "yes".
@LauraS: You're welcome! :-)
@Philip: At that particular place you would have got a quite long inscription! :-D
@Ronnie 2¢: I'm visiting this place for many years, but this was the first time I noticed this slab. Quite unusual find for a German city. :-D
@B.Held: If that would happen, it would result in a crash-landing! :-)
@Samantha: Glad you like it! Thanks, Samantha!
@Michael: At this particular place: yes. If it would be my doormat, I'm not sure...
@akarui: Just to show that this slab is on the ground (otherwise it could also have been a wall).
@Joan Felix: Thanks very much, Joan Felix!
@dj.tigersprout: Thanks a lot, Jaycee!
@sebastian: Dankeschön! Wenn ich schon mal da bin, will ich auch alles sehen. :-)
@Twelvebit: Who knows. Maybe he experienced Cologne Carneval and then fled to America.