Acacia dealbata, our biggest pot plant. Already seen here.
Well, okay, here's the story. When our Acacia experienced a frosty night in January, it was severely hit and lost all its leaves and branches. It was frozen back to its stem, and a few days later it looked like a walking-stick. It barely survived.
We really love this tree and didn't want to let this happen again. During the year, it recovered and grew even bigger than it was before this fateful frost night.
A week ago it got cold. Really cold. The Acacia was already preparing its flowers for the next year. Should we watch it freeze back again? Exactly.
So we moved it from its balcony place into our living-room. Here it's a bit darker than outside, but no fear of frosty temperatures. It's now in full bloom, the scent is really wonderful, and now we regard it as our very special Christmas tree. (I hope we will be able to move it back on the balcony, though!)
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Michael: I'm glad I could donate some of my palms a few months ago - otherwise this wouldn't be a tree but a little forest! :-D
@Linerberry: I'm a tree-hugger. :-)
@Japanalia: Me too, but this place is too dark in the long run. It will be much happier on the balcony, when it's warm again. :)
@Peter: Thanks very much, Peter! Best wishes to you and yours, too!!!
@MrsAmber: We've planned a little pruning - after it will have finished blooming. Up to now the fragrance is just too good! :-)
@Marleen: Many thanks, Marleen! I think these flowers are sort of a 'Thank you' from our tree. :-)
@Manel: This tree will survive winter, that's the main thing! :-)
@akarui: Will buy some, thanks for the idea!
@António Pires: Now don't pick on me with your warm Portuguese weather! :-D
@MARIANA: I know, it wants to be free, but I'm afraid it will have to wait for another couple of weeks...
@Self-Indulgence: As soon as temps will rise, promised! This is just an emergency solution! :-)
@Ana Lúcia: I have some other unusual trees, but this time it's my Acacia's turn! :-)
@B.Held: Just a matter of compassion. We've had two choices: early bloom or a frosty death.
@Steven: Ha, ha, bingo two times! :-D
@Ted: I should have shown another corner of our living room: a big opuntia, three cycads, two Araucarias, a Wolly, and a couple of palms...
You want some...? ;-D
@Philip: Two years ago I was able to carry this tree over my shoulder. Now it's a bit more difficult! :-)
@Christine Walsh: A building from the 1930s; ca. 3.50m. The tree fits just so - we'll do a careful pruning after its bloom will be over.
Buying a Christmas tree is a costly invest this year. But I have enough conifers in stock. :-)
@dj.tigersprout: It's still inside!
@Twelvebit: *lol* We're close to Holland. :-)
@Magda: We'll do a little pruning and it will get a bigger pot, so I hope that everything will be fine.