A short intermission. Gallus, first mentioned 1144, replaced by this newer building in classicist style. Astonishingly pure and embellished on a grand scale, especially for a rather small village like Küdinghoven (near Bonn). This was a quite successful capture, as I had to shoot through a closed glass door.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Phil David Alexander Morris: You're too kind, Phil! In fact I had no alternative to this point of view, I just had to use the available means. :-)
@Michael: Show me, show me!
@Céline: Thanks a lot, Céline!
@Ted: I pressed the lens against the pane - worked quite well. :-)
@Christine Walsh: I had to do some white-balancing here; the original looked very yellow.
@MARIANA: Many thanks, Mariana!
@Lori: Very kind, thanks a lot!