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Treescape (pt.1)

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 28 May 2011 in Plant & Nature.

The bark of a tree gives some big country for a small snail.

Ronnie 2¢ from Atlantic Shores, United Kingdom

That's a nice color snail . .

28 May 2011 5:56am

@Ronnie 2¢: On a rather old tree; not so common here.

António Pires from Lisbon, Portugal

The bark texture is very well rendered.

28 May 2011 9:06pm

@António Pires: I had to enhace contrast a bit, as it was a rather dull day.

Christine Walsh from Astoria, NY, United States

So rue are those words. They say, the higher the snail the more the rain... Hope you are having good weather!

29 May 2011 1:26am

@Christine Walsh: It doesn't rain here anymore. This shot is two months old.

Phil David Morris 2011 from Saskatoon,, Canada

Love the color here, particularly sensational and gorgeous.

29 May 2011 6:45am

@Phil David Morris 2011: Many thanks, Phil!

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

Oh wow! What interesting formations that you have captured in the bark of this tree! And the snail stands out nicely with its curved and colored shell.

2 Jun 2011 2:56pm

@Steven: It doesn't happen so often that I'm discovering snails above my head. :-)