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Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 7 June 2011 in Plant & Nature.

It's not a rhubarb! Spotted in Cologne's wonderful botanical garden, the Flora.

And slowly, very slowly, I'm learning the right dosage of chemicals for developing film.

Ted from South Wales, United Kingdom

how prehistoric that looks in mono?

7 Jun 2011 6:24am

@Ted: Also in colour, there were even seeds from other plants sprouting in the gunnera's leaves.

Phil David Morris 2011 from Saskatoon,, Canada

Looks like dinosaur skin there, wonderful photo.

7 Jun 2011 7:34am

@Phil David Morris 2011: This is indeed a spectacular plant, also is its size.

Florence from Paris, France

Extraordinary sharpness of the details. A gorgeous mono, rich of contrasts.

7 Jun 2011 10:50am

@Florence: Many thanks, Florence!

MARIANA from Waterloo, Canada

excellent DOF . beautiful details and monochrome.

7 Jun 2011 12:18pm

@MARIANA: Many thanks, Mariana!

Michael Fresh from Chester, United Kingdom

Just like a reptile skin. An accomplished image sharp and clear.

7 Jun 2011 8:58pm

@Michael Fresh: It feels rather soft, really a remarkable plant.

Christine Walsh from Astoria, NY, United States

Hmmm, looks like my ass in the mirror :D just kidding - this is fantastic!
I would never guess it to be a plant. For b&w and technique I'll give you 5*

8 Jun 2011 1:27am

@Christine Walsh: :-) Many thanks, Christine!