Another one of these cities with many names: Liège (French), Lîdje (Walloon), Luik (Dutch), Lüttich (Germany). I have to admit, I didn't know much about it: capital of Wallonia, the backbone of the industrial centre of Belgium (or what is left from it), one of these cities that are deemed left far behind, only a shadow of what is was in past times. Then again is this incredible railway station, all these strange views you get from the city when driving through by train: it was about time to leave the comfort zone and to discover Liège.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Curly: Thanks a lot, Curly! Three single shots are compiled here.
@Rayak: Glad you like it, Rayak!
@António Pires: The station isn't really connected to the city, but that view is indeed spectacular. More about the station in future postings.
@DowsherVision: Many thanks, DowsherVision! Much appreciated!
@Phil David Morris 2011: More about this fabulous station in future postings.
@guillaume: Thanks a lot, guillaume!
@Olivier: With good reason - it's just too interesting, I couldn't resist. :)
@Ted: More about this soon!
@Michael Fresh: Perhaps pretty cold! There are not many places for getting shelter.
@Christine Walsh: To be continued.