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Indian Summer, Königswinter

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 3 November 2011 in Landscape & Rural.

The city of Königswinter is fighting. After years of deadness great investments were made, and first successes can be observed. The hundred-year old Drachenburg, a castle-like mansion on the hillside, has been completely refurbished, including its surrounding park. When we've been to there last Monday, we were observing a lot of people walking up the hill and admiring the beauty of both castle and landscape. This is encouraging.

Nazzareno from Rome, Italy

Wonderful colors. Love the detail and the light.

3 Nov 2011 7:52am

Ralf Kesper from Attendorn, Germany

...und wo ist jetzt der Günther? :-))

Schönes Herbstbild.

3 Nov 2011 1:00pm

Phil David Morris 2011 from Saskatoon, New York, Canada

One of the most beautiful autumn photos that I have seen, your view is absolutely
perfect, does not get better than this . 5*****'s !!~

3 Nov 2011 8:19pm

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

A great PoV to capture all these beautiful autumnal colors!

3 Nov 2011 8:51pm

Christine Walsh from Astoria, NY, United States

Phil is so right!

9 Nov 2011 2:47am