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Indian Summer, Königswinter (pt. 2)

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 4 November 2011 in Plant & Nature and Portfolio.

Conservative minds often say that the Internet isn't real life. Maybe; and having experienced firsthand this burst of colour was certainly more intensive than any photo would make me feel. Then again, it's the closest thing to that reality I can think of, and the best thing for sharing this depiction of experience is the Internet.

Z from Shanghai, China

Lights and greens and yellows! I feel satisfaction:))

4 Nov 2011 7:50am

@Z: You bet! :-) A weather and fall condition like this happens perhaps one time in five, six years. It's quite rare, and I'm enjoying every moment.

Jen from Alpharetta, United States

wonderful composition with the building way in the background

4 Nov 2011 5:31pm

@Jen: The city of Königswinter tries hard - I really hope they will eventually succeed in maintaining their beautiful treasures.