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Along the wall...

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 10 November 2011 in Landscape & Rural.

..of Drachenburg castle. In the background: the city of Bonn. We are high above almost everything at this place.

Ralf Kesper from Attendorn, Germany

Eine schöne Aufnahme.

10 Nov 2011 10:40am

@Ralf Kesper: Vielen Dank! Novemberwetter wie wir es im Sommer nicht hatten.

Ana Lúcia from Leiria, Portugal

The light is really what makes this one.

10 Nov 2011 11:23am

@Ana Lúcia: And it was warm, too! Almost 20°C! In November. Here.

Curly from South Shields, United Kingdom

A superb angle to show detail on the right and the wider landscape on the left - excellent choice Manfred.

10 Nov 2011 4:05pm

@Curly: Thanks a lot, Curly! This is a really remarkable month, and I try to take every chance to make photographic use of it.

Jen from Alpharetta, United States

What a fantastic view...perfect composition

10 Nov 2011 4:42pm

@Jen: Thanks a lot, Jen! This was a very happy day.

Ted from South Wales, United Kingdom

this castle has fairytale, dreamlike qualities that are enriched by the sharp detail you've captured...nicely done MS!

10 Nov 2011 8:17pm

@Ted: Many thanks, Ted! That peculiar day was a singular chance, everything was right at that moment.

Christine Walsh from Astoria, NY, United States

The lighting is spectacular - I had to squint at first! I feel like I am standing right there with you!

12 Nov 2011 3:08am