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Climbing Drachenfels Hill

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 21 November 2011 in Landscape & Rural.

Being a lowlander, I'm not really used to climbing hills at an angle of climb of 15-25 per cent. But the challenge is now. Heavily breathing I'm looking back, standing on a crossing somewhere in the forest. This way would lead me to the 'Little Milk House', a small restaurant. But not today. We have to turn back and head towards the old fortress.

Nazzareno from Rome, Italy

Love your nature photographs.. stunning

21 Nov 2011 7:45am

@Nazzareno: Thanks, Nazzareno! I'm trying to enjoy this fall as much as possible.

Z from Shanghai, China

I really enjoy the great colorful leaves!

21 Nov 2011 8:00am

@Z: Five days before this it was even more colourful. Now it's two weeks ago, and the weather is still sunny. Just amazing.

Christine Walsh from Astoria, NY, United States

I feel like huffing and puffing just reading your words. When I came to visit Munich we also went to Austria - I think that is where the Heidi house is...that walk up was brutal! With a view like yours, it would all be worth it.

21 Nov 2011 1:37pm

@Christine Walsh: We've been to Tegernsee some years ago (southern of Munich), and it was really hard. Living there and having this type of permanent training must be very healthy!

Phil David Morris 2011 from Saskatoon,, Canada

The pure size of this photograph shows us the incredible beauty so breathtakingly.
The nicest one I have seen today. Beautiful !~

21 Nov 2011 3:51pm

@Phil David Morris 2011: Many thanks, Phil! It's indeed an extraordinary fall this year. I can't remember having a similar November for many years. 2003 perhaps.

Ana Lúcia from Leiria, Portugal

That is fantastic shot. Amazing sense of scale.

21 Nov 2011 11:36pm

@Ana Lúcia: Thank you so much, Ana!

marie-france from Mesves sur Loire, France

Une merveilleuse promenade au milieu des couleurs de l'automne !

1 Dec 2011 9:15pm