Being a lowlander, I'm not really used to climbing hills at an angle of climb of 15-25 per cent. But the challenge is now. Heavily breathing I'm looking back, standing on a crossing somewhere in the forest. This way would lead me to the 'Little Milk House', a small restaurant. But not today. We have to turn back and head towards the old fortress.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Nazzareno: Thanks, Nazzareno! I'm trying to enjoy this fall as much as possible.
@Z: Five days before this it was even more colourful. Now it's two weeks ago, and the weather is still sunny. Just amazing.
@Christine Walsh: We've been to Tegernsee some years ago (southern of Munich), and it was really hard. Living there and having this type of permanent training must be very healthy!
@Phil David Morris 2011: Many thanks, Phil! It's indeed an extraordinary fall this year. I can't remember having a similar November for many years. 2003 perhaps.
@Ana Lúcia: Thank you so much, Ana!