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The Alternative

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 23 November 2011 in Transportation.

Of course we could have taken the old rack railway, it would be just a ten minute drive up to the summit of Drachenfels hill. But there are people who want me to take photos of this ascent, and I want the real thing. So let's take this last hop!

Z from Shanghai, China

Wonderful view! Great details of the trolley in the front and the misty further view!

23 Nov 2011 6:19am

@Z: You'll like tomorrow's shot!

Ralf Kesper from Attendorn, Germany


23 Nov 2011 7:28am

@Ralf Kesper: War etwas anstrengend, die Kamera ruhig zu halten. Meine Kondition könnte besser sein.

alex centrella from California, United States

nice catch ...

23 Nov 2011 4:22pm

@alex centrella: Thanks, alex!

Ted from South Wales, United Kingdom

oh yes, really like this, vistas, autumn and cable cars...fab composition MS!

23 Nov 2011 7:47pm

@Ted: Thanks so much, Ted!

franz from Baden, Austria

schöner blick auf die trasse und darüber hinaus, beachtliche schärfe, beeindruckende farben ...

23 Nov 2011 9:25pm

@franz: ...und ich war fix und alle, als ich dieses Foto gemacht habe. :-) Ich muß mehr auf den Berg!

Christine Walsh from Astoria, NY, United States

Now HERE would be my way up! Excellent view!

24 Nov 2011 3:54am

@Christine Walsh: But walking the whole way is _so_ intense! ;-)

Ronnie 2¢ from Atlantic Shores, United Kingdom

I guess they have no trouble with 'leaves on the line' there . . reliable rack drive !

24 Nov 2011 7:26am

@Ronnie 2¢: It's not completely unproblematic, as falling rocks are sometimes causing problems.