Seven Mountains, or Siebengebirge, as we call it, viewed from Drachenfels hill. That's still not the summit, but let us enjoy this view for a while until we're taking the last turn. In the background you can see the city of Bad Honneff. ("Bad" doesn't mean anything is bad; it's indicating a spa.)
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My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Ronnie 2¢: The southern end of North Rhine-Westphalia, by the way.
@Ralf Kesper: Dankeschön! Sind drei zusammengesetzte Einzelbilder.
@Z: Don't miss tomorrow's!
@Ted: Thanks, Ted! Six or seven years ago I've seen a very similar view and had no camera with me. Now I was finally able to take this photo.
@Christine Walsh: I'll try to visit this region more often, so there will be lots of photos for you. :-) A very nice place, indeed. Wouldn't mind living there.