That's the view we were looking for: no scaffolds, no pipes, no whatever. Rhine valley seen from Drachenfels hill.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Z: You know what Nam June Paik once said: When too perfect, God gets angry! ;-)
@Curly: Thanks a lot, Curly!
@Soheil: Thanks very much, Soheil!
@Phil Morris: This was an exceptional autumn, one and a half year ago. A November filled with sunshine and mild temperatures, and all these colours I only know from across the Atlantic Ocean. This happens in one of ten years, it was really fantastic.
@Japanalia: Sort of: I was standing on a scaffold that was made a makeshift observational platform. Some of the kids that were also there tried to test its stability by jumping as hard as they could...