Along this old wall our path is leading us back to the city rail station. Behind these walls old worthy buildings and their gardens can be found. And a special find, too: tomorrow.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Ronnie 2¢: Now I could tell a heroic story about mounting my camera on a tripod, measuring the light, waiting for that very peculiar moment for a long time,... but that would be a lie. Instead, I was tired, my feet burnt like hell, my muscles were aching (okay, that sounds pretty heroic, too...), and I just leaned against that wall and pressed the shutter. It wasn't that difficult, because I like this kind of perspective.
@franz: Ist jetzt leider alles weg, aber weil ich es so genossen habe, habe ich diesen Ausflug mal etwas ausgedehnt. Der Winter wird noch lang, farblos und kalt genug.
@omid: Thanks, omid!