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Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 14 December 2011 in Documentary & Street.

I've tried many times to get a decent shot at this place when it's dark. I always sucked, because I always missed my tripod. This time everything was right, including that car coming from the parking deck, illuminating the foreground.

It's hurting me when I see fear and terror in a city we've visited only months ago, a city that my wife and me like a lot. Our deep sympathy to the people of Liège.

Ralf Kesper from Fröndenberg, Germany

Gute Nachtaufnahme!

14 Dec 2011 11:08am

Z from Shanghai, China

Wonderful night scene and exposure time!

14 Dec 2011 2:01pm

Ted from South Wales, United Kingdom

i see you managed to include the roadworks again!):-

14 Dec 2011 8:11pm

@Ted: Just rub some salt into this wound!

Phil David Morris from Saskatoon, Canada

Beautiful image, I can see this as a particularly hard place to photograph, but
you scored with this wonderful photo !

15 Dec 2011 2:48am

Ronnie 2¢ from Atlantic Shores, United Kingdom

The emerging headlamps make it, of course ! Perfect timing.

15 Dec 2011 9:12am