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Blumenstraße (pt. 2)

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 17 December 2011 in Cityscape & Urban.

Blumenstraße, looking back. One of my favourite corners, because there are two photographic shops just a few steps from here.

A slightly better version than this one, result of a few years of experience.

rem_la from Villiers, France

j'aime ces lumieres de la nuit

17 Dec 2011 7:18am

Z from Shanghai, China

Beautiful night street scene

17 Dec 2011 12:56pm

Phil David Morris 2011 from Saskatoon, New York, Canada

Incredible difference in these photos, done so beautifully today. Never heard of
this Brigitte, gorgeous photo.

17 Dec 2011 5:25pm