If memory serves correctly, then I've read about lost shopping malls in Douglas Coupland's Life After God for the first time. Usually this is a busy place, but at the end of a Sunday opening this place looked rather abandoned. A very unusual sight.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Ronnie 2¢: Trust me, it often doesn't feel like so. Sure, the shelves are filled, but try to find a peculiar thing, or just something in a different colour or in better quality. The choice of products didn't get better while the prices went up. It's astonishing how many people have money without the need of working for it, though. I was never that lucky.
@Mirjam: At that peculiar moment it was okay. :-) But at normal shopping times this is a race track filled with consumerismic monsters.
@Phil David Morris 2011: The typical photo for architecture presentations: everything is beautiful and quiet. But it's like in these car advertisements: the streets are never that empty.
@Christine Walsh: They're keeping it clean, no doubt! This was taken at the end of an open Sunday shopping, a rather rare chance. I've never seen that mall as empty as this before.