I've just learned that the term epitaph means a "short inscription honoring a deceased person" (Wikipedia) in English. In German, "Epitaph" means something different: we are looking at one. An "Epitaph" means a more or less small monument honoring a deceased person; they are usually to be found in churches. This one is remembering of Servatius van den Berg, who was abbot of Gladbach abbey 1725-1750. Van den Berg was also president of the Bursfelde Congregation, a "union of Benedictine monasteries and nunneries working for the reform of Benedictine practice" and the revival of the old Benedictine monastic rule.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Ronnie 2¢: These people didn't delude themselves.
@L'Angevine: Don't be afraid, this was a noble man.
@António Pires: Thank you, sir! It's much more interesting with a bit of information, isn't it? The church desperately needs men like him.