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St Vitus, Mönchengladbach: Choir

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 13 January 2012 in Architecture.

+ In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti. Consecratum est hoc altare a venerabili patre fratre Alberto episcopo quondam Ratisponensi In honore sancti spiritus et sancti viti martiris. Anno domini M.CC.LXX.quinto. In festo vitalis martiris. (Source, page 347)

From the certificate of consecration of St Vitus in 1275, when this choir was finished. The consecration was done by Albertus Magnus.

Curly from South Shields, United Kingdom

This must be a "vertorama" Manfred, and oh so well done. Everything is perfectly perpendicular!

13 Jan 2012 9:39am

@Curly: Shift lens or software - that's the secret! :-)

Ted from South Wales, United Kingdom

nicely done MS.

13 Jan 2012 8:36pm

@Ted: Thanks, Ted!