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St Vitus, Mönchengladbach: Window

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 16 January 2012 in Art & Design.

Two days ago I was introducing Daan Wildschut's (1913-1995) creations for St Vitus: this is another one: the apostles Andrew and Peter on the shoulders of Noah and Adam.

Ronnie 2¢ from Atlantic Shores, United Kingdom

A fascinating concept of them perched there like that . . without your narrative, I'd have missed that.

16 Jan 2012 6:17am

@Ronnie 2¢: It wasn't easy having their picture taken: most of these windows were in the clerestory, and getting a good angle rather difficult.

Jim from Fort Worth, United States

Beautiful stain glass window. Well worth the time and effort to capture it properly. Just lovely.

16 Jan 2012 8:41pm

@Jim: There were plenty of them, I'll publish them perhaps somewhere else in the near future. It's a pity that modern religious art is ignored so often!

Curly from South Shields, United Kingdom

I don't think anyone in AM3 does stained glass as well as you Manfred.

19 Jan 2012 5:29pm

@Curly: Thanks for these kind words, Curly! If you would watch me doing it, you would ask yourself where the magic is. In fact, there is no such one. :-) Go and get a good position. Take a shot from a rectangular structure, a window, for example. Then use a software that lets you draw a rectangle around that window and then distort it. Make it look like in your memory, and you will get a perspectively correct image. It needs some practice, but it's no witchcraft.