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St Albertus, Mönchengladbach

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 29 January 2012 in Cityscape & Urban.

Almost 125 years ago the sisterhood Ancillae Domini Jesu Christi ("Poor Maidservants of Jesus Christ") and a priest from St Himmelfahrt (now the Citykirche) founded the parish of this church. Gerhard Blume designed this church, that is located between row houses. The style of the modest exterior continues inside, but the interior features a lot of religious art, too.

Folks, the time has come. This is entry #1500, and my personal goal has been reached. 1500 photos, day by day, every day, I will celebrate this a bit today, and I want to thank you for your never ending support, love, and critique. I also want to send a big Thank You to the creators of Aminus3: you guys encouraged me to show my photos, and I hope there's some visible development in skills between December 2007 and today. Without a working community and a supporting platform this would not have been possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Some weeks ago I've announced the end of this blog. Perhaps it sounded a bit too much like virtual suicide, so I reconsidered this resolution. I am not going to continue to show one single picture a day. I know, this is a bit against the Aminus3 idea, but - at least to me - this concept has become a bit worn out. Not only my photography has changed through the years, but also the way how I want to show it: if I want to tell a story, then I want to show more than one picture, which isn't possible here (or I would have to link back to past entries). If I want to show several pictures of a single incident, I would have to stretch it over several days. I don't know how you see this, but to me this is not a satisfying solution.

So this is what is going to happen: I will allow myself some Aminus3 holidays. I will come back with one or two new ideas. Though the photography won't change much (you know my favourite subjects, don't you!), the presentation will do. Bye for now.

Ronnie 2¢ from Atlantic Shores, United Kingdom

Enjoy your AM3 holidays - I am sure you will put them to to valuable use in your other platforms !

29 Jan 2012 6:38am

Z from Shanghai, China

I have been watching your blog for a while and i do appreciate your skills and presentation. Like this one, the reflections on the cars the colors and the details are really nice. Enjoy your 'holiday' and looking forward to the new ideas :-)

29 Jan 2012 8:49am

António Pires from Lisbon, Portugal

During your am3 holidays I'll continue to see your work at eclecticimaging.
To post one photo per day necessarily leads to post many below par. To post sparsely means to fragment some informal social groups we belong to. Anyway, I think that it is better to select our best photos to post.

29 Jan 2012 10:18am

Ted from South Wales, United Kingdom

with you all the way MS!

14 Feb 2012 11:12am

daniela scharnowski from Berlin, Germany

I always enjoyed your pictures, especially the church ceilings, even if I didn´t comment much. Taking a break is a good idea after 1500 postings - but what I don´t get is the problem of posting multiple shots on one day. You could do a montage / collage, there is no limit in height of the image here afaik . Either way - enjoy your holidays :) Cheers

4 Jul 2012 1:15pm

Lorraine from Gatineau, Canada

That angle is marvelous, you mad thing you

21 Jan 2013 9:54am

Jim from Fort Worth, United States

Adios, Ciao, Wiedersehen and so long. I have enjoyed your images and thank you for taking the time to share them. Enjoy your new vision and I hope to see some new work from time to time.

23 Jan 2013 6:05pm

CF09 from Tehran, Iran

There would be a judgement day...

13 Feb 2013 8:46am