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The Party Must Go On

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 9 March 2013 in Cityscape & Urban and Portfolio.

After the darkest winter in (at least) 43 years, after 18 months of bustling around in a big social network, after various thoughts and insights I've come to the conclusion that nothing beats a dedicated photo website and a working community. This is a fresh restart. Let's see where it will lead to.

I hope you have missed me a bit. :-)

franz from Baden, Austria

mich freut's, dass du wieder da bist, mit neuem schwung und neuen/alten/guten ideen ...
der einstieg jedenfalls gefällt mir gleich sehr gut, mit den parallelen linien und den unterschiedlichen bildfluchten ...
bin gespannt auf mehr ... ;-)

9 Mar 2013 4:11pm

@franz: Dankeschön, franz! Das mit dem Schwung ist so eine Sache, dieser Winter war wieder mal zu lang und vor allem zu dunkel, aber ich will nicht zu sehr rumjammern. Freue mich, wieder hier zu sein!

Phil Morris from Saskatoon, Toronto, Canada

Magnificent photo. Good to be back to your site. I had some severe problems w/my computer and lost most info and website on Aminus so this is a new website I started after the first was gone. Have most of my photo programs and email back finally. Phil.

9 Mar 2013 8:42pm

@Phil Morris: Without computers we wouldn't have the problems we're having with computers, would we? It's good to be back, Phil!

Ted from South Wales, United Kingdom

Manfred you've been greatly missed and it's so good to have you back!

9 Mar 2013 9:33pm

@Ted: Thank you so much, Ted! Feels like home! :-)

Japanalia from Yokohama, Japan

Of course I missed you!!! I thought you might have had too much of us all! Glad, very glad to see you back in the bossom of this great family at Aminus3! Yes, this winter was very cold here! Not that much snow, in fact just a taste, around Yokohama...but horrible winter for the north and west of the archipelago. Actually, this very day Hokkaido is wrapped up in what they call a "whiteout" - such blizzard you can't see anything. And it is still snowing and snowing over there...Here we had a 24 deg.C day here with so much dust in the air, everything turned into a yellow fog. And the narcissi are in bloom!

10 Mar 2013 8:21am

@Japanalia: After 1500 continuous posts here I've needed a break, but I'm glad to be back, and that you're still around. 24°C sounds like a dream, last week we've had at least 17°, but snow will be returning tomorrow, they say. I've read about Northern Japan's masses of snow, it's incredible.

L'angevine from Angers, France

intéressant cadrage

10 Mar 2013 9:11am

@L'angevine: Merci beaucoup, L'angevine!