We should have known it: the end of October isn't the best time for taking a vacation. From day one the fog didn't leave us, on the last day it started snowing, telling of a dark and longer winter to come. But there was this great Dark Romanticism exhibition which was worth bearing the bad weather. And somehow both were complementing each other superbly.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Phil Morris: No winter, this was a day in late October last year. :-)
@franz: Dankeschön! Natürliches High-key gewissermaßen, denn es war die ganze Zeit neblig. Am letzten Tag gab es dann Schnee. Ende Oktober.
@Mariana Maoduš: Fortunately there are a lot of bridges at Main River. Feels good to be here again! :-)
@Steven: Many thanks, Steven! A pleasure to be here again!
@Japanalia: Almost nothing. If there wasn't this art exhibition (which had a rather dark topic, actually), it would have been kind of a black-and-white vacation. As future posts will show.