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Under Control

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 13 March 2013 in Documentary & Street.

Winter has everything under control. This shot is three months old (and was taken in Berlin), but it could have been taken today. Yesterday I've seen one of the first daffodils, the saddest one: it was covered with snow.

Curly from South Shields, United Kingdom

It never ceases to amaze me how the near continental countries cope so admirably with winter weather, yet her in GB everything grinds to a halt after the first 30 minutes of snow!

13 Mar 2013 9:22am

@Curly: You should visit the Rhineland in December, when the first snowflakes are producing nothing but purest chaos. Winter's always coming as a surprise here! These folks in Berlin are much more hard-boiled. :-)

Japanalia from Yokohama, Japan

Don't fuss now! Summer is going to be as crazy this year! Somehow...winter is over! We're fighting horribly strong winds here, no way to go out! Poor flowers that came out...are doomed!

13 Mar 2013 10:31am

@Japanalia: They have to take it... like a flower! :-) Hang in there!

Phil Morris from Saskatoon, Toronto, Canada

One big bus, your quarters are parked so near this bus giving us the best possible
view of the drop off, superb work !~

13 Mar 2013 3:56pm

@Phil Morris: Thanks heaps, Phil!! (Taken with a 50mm lens, so it's a bit 'compressed'.)

franz from Baden, Austria

hervorragendes winter-nacht-stadt-schnee-foto !!!

13 Mar 2013 5:10pm

@franz: Vielen Dank, Franz!

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

Great capture of this double-decker! Looks like there's some heavy breathing going on on the second level. :-) Your narrative is representative of what's happening in Chicagoland, too.

13 Mar 2013 10:50pm

@Steven: Isn't it awful! Mild temps will come next week, but only with rain. They don't make springs like they used to.