I'm curious.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@sawsengee: I'm really curious, everything feels so new with his election.
@Phil Morris: These December days in Rome (already nine years ago, must take another visit, soon) can be pretty sunny!
@helys: Many thanks, helys!
@Mariana Maoduš: Thanks a lot! Fortunately opportunities like this are everywhere in Rome.
@Basile Pesso: Thanks a lot, Basile, I appreciate!
@Steven: Shot on one of Rome's hills (the Palatine, if I remember correctly).
@franz: Dankeschön! Wenn es im Dezember dort nicht gerade regnet (und das tut es oft und heftig!), erinnert einen die Sonne immer daran, wieviel südlicher man sich doch befindet!
@Ted: Depends when you're traveling: Around the High Holy Days it's much more expensive!
@Michael Rawluk: Thanks a lot, Michael!
@Japanalia: A December day in Rome with amazing light, indeed!