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In the light of recent events.

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 14 March 2013 in Documentary & Street and Portfolio.

I'm curious.

sawsengee from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

wonderfully framed view with gorgeous foreground wall textures.....& Yes, it is Pope Francis now.

14 Mar 2013 7:08am

@sawsengee: I'm really curious, everything feels so new with his election.

Phil Morris from Saskatoon, Toronto, Canada

I don't think he is going to find a new pope there, but hey, why not, at least they're in the right
surroundings, beautiful view here !~

14 Mar 2013 7:39am

@Phil Morris: These December days in Rome (already nine years ago, must take another visit, soon) can be pretty sunny!

helys from Paris, France

So lovely
Great textures, details o architectures, red colors, lighting
Nice mood:)

14 Mar 2013 10:05am

@helys: Many thanks, helys!

Mariana Maoduš from Waterloo, Canada

Super framing . Great texture of the wall and beautiful view .

14 Mar 2013 12:19pm

@Mariana Maoduš: Thanks a lot! Fortunately opportunities like this are everywhere in Rome.

Basile Pesso from Paris, France

Splendid !

14 Mar 2013 3:46pm

@Basile Pesso: Thanks a lot, Basile, I appreciate!

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

Eye-catching framing of this beautiful view! It really draws your eyes through.

14 Mar 2013 4:37pm

@Steven: Shot on one of Rome's hills (the Palatine, if I remember correctly).

franz from Baden, Austria

schnell geschaltet ... doch wo ist der weiße rauch ?!? ;-)
sehr gut gemacht, der blick durch diese öffnung in der mauer. tolle lichtverhältnisse überall!

14 Mar 2013 8:43pm

@franz: Dankeschön! Wenn es im Dezember dort nicht gerade regnet (und das tut es oft und heftig!), erinnert einen die Sonne immer daran, wieviel südlicher man sich doch befindet!

Ted from South Wales, United Kingdom

no cheap or spare hotel rooms in Rome for the foreseeable then?):-

14 Mar 2013 9:33pm

@Ted: Depends when you're traveling: Around the High Holy Days it's much more expensive!

Michael Rawluk from Canada

The wall makes a great frame.

15 Mar 2013 4:31am

@Michael Rawluk: Thanks a lot, Michael!

Japanalia from Yokohama, Japan

Marvellously framed! The wall has good texture and the light just loves it!

19 Mar 2013 12:02pm

@Japanalia: A December day in Rome with amazing light, indeed!