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Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 15 March 2013 in Cityscape & Urban.

It's snowing, and snowing, and snowing... It can't be helped, we have to imagine warm and sunny days as well as we are able. Koblenz, last summer. Beautiful little city.

Basile Pesso from Paris, France

Good B and W and stunning architecture.

15 Mar 2013 9:43am

@Basile Pesso: Many thanks, Basile!

Phil Morris from Saskatoon, Toronto, Canada

We seemed to have at least another half a foot of snow yesterday and today still snow. What a
magical photo, would expect to see many Russian whirling dirvish in these turrets, beautiful !~

15 Mar 2013 2:22pm

@Phil Morris: Haha, actually Koblenz is sort of the opposite of a Russian town. :-)

franz from Baden, Austria

ein weiteres starkes sw foto mit hervorragender bildeinteilung und so viel zum hinschauen ...
auch zu uns ist der winter zurück gekehrt, aber schon am wochenende soll wieder die sonne scheinen ...

15 Mar 2013 5:10pm

@franz: Vielen Dank! (Bemerkungen übers Wetter verkneife ich mir, es wird und wird nicht besser.)

Michael Rawluk from Canada

That is a very nice shot with terrific tones. I like all that detail.

16 Mar 2013 4:33am

@Michael Rawluk: Many thanks, Michael, much appreciated!

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

Incredible architectural detail and I love the difference in architectural order between levels!!

16 Mar 2013 8:17pm

@Steven: The architecture in this town is rather densely packed: not much place for buildings between various mountains and two rivers.