You certainly have been told more than once on your life that we're living in the best world and time possible. All that peace and freedom we enjoy, you can speak your mind, think and do what you want, and only recently some of us were made to heroes: people who are saving Europe and the Euro. Because everything is system-relevant, especially these poor banks all these Euros will go to. And if you're living in Europe, especially in the EU, you probably should buy what you need as quick as you can. When politicians start to dispossess depositors, like they're going to do in Cyprus, you know that nothing is as safe as it seemed to be this far. Sure, black money owners will be glad to escape unscathed widely, but to soak these people with a normal savings account is undoubtly a breach of taboo. And again it's the many banks that are going to be saved, and none of their shareholders will have to pay.
This will be a restless weekend for Cyprus (and once again, for Greece, too). Their holiday tomorrow is the orthodox equivalent to Ash Wednesday, as I've learned today. How fitting. Guess what happens next.
(Image: Cologne Cathedral, taken on APX100, developed with Tetenal ultrafin)
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Phil Morris: This week will tell us, Phil. In the meantime nobody of the reliable politicians and economists wants to bear the blame. If they are really going to do it, there is no reason for trusting a European bank any longer.
@franz: Ach, der Dom sieht eigentlich nur düster aus, weil keiner die Fassade putzt. In Paris hat man es mit Notre Dame gemacht und sie sieht aus wie neu. Hierzulande fast unvorstellbar. Ganz ehrlich: Je genauer man den Dom studiert, desto heiterer erscheint er, vor allem in den Details.
Aber richtig düster ist was gerade im Süden Europas abgeht. Sollten sie es wirklich tun, wird man sich irgendwann an die wirklich fetten Weidegründe ranmachen: unsere eigenen Sparkonten. Nichts scheint unmöglich.
@Ted: ...or to look for a new government. Or something more violent, but we probably wouldn't like this.
@Steven: Thanks, Steven! Ouch indeed: who will trust governments that take the money and run any longer?