Slowly, very slowly, the heralds of spring are coming out of the soil. Slowly, very slowly, the temperature is rising. While the northern parts of Germany are still covered with ice and snow, these early spring breakers have found the light.
A good opportunity for testing a new/old lens. Porst Super-Weitwinkel, f/2.8, 28mm
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Japanalia: A heat wave in March would be something I would expect from global warming. But unfortunately our winters are getting cooler year after year. Send us some heat if you think it's too much! :-)
@Mariana Maoduš: A few more weeks and will fade away. I'm really fed up with this winter, like I was last year and the year before....
@Phil Morris: I'm really glad they finally came out. I've been waiting for weeks, let's hope frost won't come back like it was happening last week!
@Steven: As I know now, this was just a short intermezzo. Frost has come back. x-(
@Ted: Many thanks, Ted!!