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Summer In The City

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 25 March 2013 in Cityscape & Urban and Portfolio.

If Sundays only could have more hours. A shot from last summer, taken at Düsseldorf's Burgplatz. Taken with a Leica IIIf, self-developed.

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

Eye-catching architecture captured here! Incredible scale in these buildings with the incorporation of the people.

25 Mar 2013 7:50pm

@Steven: You're too polite! :-) But the church is the only remarkable building here. That tower is the sad leftover of Düsseldorf's castle.

franz from Baden, Austria

sehr schön "komponiert" und präsentiert! hut ab vor deiner "selbstentwicklung" !!!

27 Mar 2013 11:45am

@franz: Oh, da kann man immer noch sehr viel falsch machen! :-) Am schwierigsten ist es, die Temperatur zu halten!

Japanalia from Yokohama, Japan

How many styles of architecture do we have here? Do I see right? Is there a modern looking building between the old tower and the church? Are they building something new there, where the crane looks active...or they are re-building something old?!
(You still HAVE things to look at over there when you go "on town" or "from town to town"!)

28 Mar 2013 8:12am

@Japanalia: That tower is the remant of a castle that burnt down in the early 18th century. The church ist the oldest building (and it was, of course, seriously hit in WWII), then the smaller chapel behind it (almost a complete reconstruction), followed by 19th century buildings and post-war architecture. It's very typical for German cities in the old industrial centers that were heavily bombed in the war.