I'm usually not a friend of selective colouring, but I'm making exceptions. A remnant of the Berlin Wall, seen and taken at Chausseestraße, Berlin.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@franz: Die East Side Gallery, ja. Wir sind ja seit den 90ern darauf geeicht, alles zu ironisieren, allerdings kann ich mich an eine Berlin-Reise in den frühen 80ern erinnern, als Mauer und Todesstreifen noch eine krasse Realität darstellten: da relativiert sich das Relativieren. Aber gut, wir lachen ja auch über Hitler, scheint was mit der Gnade der späten Geburt zu tun zu haben. Ich denke allerdings, daß hinterm Lachen der Schrecken bleibt.
@franz: Unbedingt, ich freue mich drauf!
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@Japanalia: This his a horrible memory. That part of the wall is just one remnant, you can find various memory sites throughout the whole city. The most prominent corner is the so-called 'East Side Gallery', which is in danger at the moment due to the real property market.
@franz: Cool, bin gespannt!
@Abena: The twist here is that this thing was part of the Berlin wall where people got killed if they were coming too close. Fortunately these times are over, but that 'be nice' message might give many people still very mixed emotions...
@Steven: Which is making that shallow 'be nice' saying downright cynical. But Berlin's always on the move, and the memories are already fading away.
This image has been featured in 1 Remix collection.