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The Clogged Wharf

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 3 April 2013 in Documentary & Street.

Beautification of the Lower Warf at Rhine River by expansion of the party zone. The river becomes staffage of a fake North Sea panorama.

franz from Baden, Austria

interessante perspektive entlang des geschäftigen hafens, schöne farbenvielfalt auf den booten, und ein attraktiver dunst in der luft, das alles weicher erscheinen lässt ...

3 Apr 2013 8:58pm

@franz: Wäre da nur nicht der (vor allem im Sommer) penetrante Fischgeruch und das Dauergedudel aus den Lautsprechern dieser Möchtegernsylt-Restaurants...

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

Lots of nice color here. But it looks like a lot of clutter added along what appears to be a beautiful boardwalk area. I love the line of round lights along the boardwalk, which adds nice depth.

3 Apr 2013 11:12pm

@Steven: 'Clutter' is the word here. These restaurants along the river are spreading like the bubonic plague.

Ted from South Wales, United Kingdom

you've captured that cramped feel!

4 Apr 2013 9:17pm

@Ted: Best taken with a 50mm lens.

Abena from Illinois, United States

Brilliant perspective you have here ! I do get the cramped up feel and so many different types of architecture, all interesting to look at though and I love the atmospheric perspective at play here too!

5 Apr 2013 3:51am

@Abena: Thank you so much!!

Japanalia from Yokohama, Japan

This would look real pleasant without the very tall modern buildings at the back! I like the angle and the perspective rounding the street lamps.

7 Apr 2013 1:48pm

@Japanalia: This tower in the background is one of the modern architecural landmarks of Düsseldorf, built in a time when industry meant everything. Long ago, perhaps not in years, but in ideologies.