This is the former corporate headquarters of a long-standing industrial concern, called Dreischeibenhaus (which would be Three Slices Building in English). The company left this building two years ago, and the Dreischeibenhaus changed its owner. The new owner is now busy transforming this office building into - guess what - upmarket apartments, exactly. Also here I can't think of living in that building; this will perhaps be a home for people who will invest a lot of money, but who never will move into there.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@franz: Oh, dieses Gebäude ist _das_ Symbol für Düsseldorfs Wiederaufbau und Wohlstand im Wirtschaftswunderland. (Denkmalgeschützt ist es auch.) Es hat durchaus Wirkung, hat aber keine nennenswerte Kommunikation nach außen. Rund ums Gebäude wehen starke Fallwinde, sodaß man aus seiner Nähe wieder schnell zu entfliehen versucht. Wer da wohnt, wird seine Fenster wahrscheinlich nicht öffnen können.
@Ted: Ha, you bet!
@Steven: Ha, urban heritage conservation forbid! :-D Thanks, Steven!
@Abena: This building still is the city's symbol for redevelopment and regaining wealth after the destructions of the war. It's a solitaire, though.