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De Krijtberg, revisited

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 9 April 2013 in Architecture.

I sometimes have this desire to redo things. But do it better. I've taken this shot 4 years ago, some photos of the series have found their way into this blog. And left me with the feeling of having turned the dials to eleven: a bit too much of everything.
The raw material wasn't that good. Four years ago I was still shooting JPG instead of RAW images, I've taken far too many images instead of concentrating on a few important viewpoints (though I was better than in the years before this), and I didn't use my monopod. My post-processing didn't do anything better: it was rather dark inside, and there were just colourful spots, not large colourful areas. The raw material wasn't that good, but the treatment is more subtle now, I've gained more experience over the years, and this image is much nearer to the impression I've had four years ago.

franz from Baden, Austria

ich finde da nichts zu meckern ! auch das foto, zu dem der link führt - von der decke der kirche - ist nicht von schlechten eltern.

9 Apr 2013 8:41am

@franz: Vielen Dank, Franz!

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

What incredibly-ornate detail in the architecture and stained-glass!! I love the height you've given this composition as well.

10 Apr 2013 1:05am

@Steven: Unfortunately it was rather dark and the light from outside was rather dim as well. A bit more of sunshine would have been nice.

Japanalia from Yokohama, Japan

Why, I look at your photo and I feel the thrill I'd have when entering such a beautiful place! IT's like stepping into another world! Most impressive tall shot!

19 Apr 2013 1:09pm

@Japanalia: The last time when decor was part of the message; I wonder if design will ever return to that. There are subtle hints sometimes, but still most people think that things have to be simple, plain, and basic.