A severe earthquake and a terrorist attack of still unknown origin. Buddhism tells us that our existence is closely coupled with suffering, and this seems to be even more true after days like yesterday. And yet do we continue to exist, are we witnessing life returning in spring. There's hope, but also cruelty in this simple fact.
My (old) coffee-table book of selected postings.
More MadScientist: eclecticimaging.tumblr.com, the guy behind this blog
@Curly: Especially around this corner: there you'll find Bolker St, one of the less sophisticated streets of Düsseldorf's old town.
@Ted: Much too long! Now we're skipping spring and jumping right into summer!
@Steven: Fortunately the sun warmed up us enough for sitting there! :)
@Abena: Thanks so much, Abena!
@Japanalia: Sometimes it's coming too close, you can't always ignore the news, even if you want it. Media is living from the news, resulting in a general feeling of uneasiness.