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Santa Maria sopra Minerva: Carafa Chapel

Posted by
MadScientist (Düsseldorf, Germany) on 27 April 2013 in Art & Design.

Let's stay for a while in this beautiful church. This is another set of photos that I've stitched together a few months ago. (If you wonder with which software: it's PTGui Pro; give it a try!)

What we're looking at is the Carafa Chapel in Santa Maria sopra Minerva, which is filled with late 15th century frescoes, featuring the Annunciation and Assumption of Mary. The relics of St Thomas Aquinas were first kept here until they were moved to Naples.

This image is almost ten years old, and stitching is conceiling only a few mistakes that I've done back then. Here's another one, showing details of the ceiling.

maximage from Mase, Switzerland

Beautiful church. Wonderful details and marvelous colors. Well done.

27 Apr 2013 9:21am

Abena from Illinois, United States

Give it a try? hah maybe sometime in the next decade :) Gorgeous stitching work, I wonder a lot of the time how much work must have been put in that and how the painters painted such. It's magnificent. I really like this image and the one in the link too.

28 Apr 2013 4:16am